LGBTQ Star Point Counseling Center Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

The stigma and discrimination LGBTQ individuals often face can be a serious impediment to their well-being. LGBTQ affirmative therapy at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon,Fl can help empower individuals and help them navigate challenges effectively.

Over the past several years, the general public seems to have become more aware of the issues faced by the LGBTQ community. With this heightened awareness, mental health services have become more tailored to this population’s specific needs. At Star Point Counseling Center in Brandon, Fl & Tampa, Fl we focus on the empowerment of LGBTQ individuals in all areas of life and relationships. Therapists at Star Point working from an affirmative approach seek to honor the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals and help them navigate the challenges in an effective way.

Given the stressors that LGBTQ groups must confront, such as homophobia, societal discrimination and prejudice, coming out, and negotiating family relationships, finding a therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Brandon, Fl & Tampa, Fl that is openly LGBTQ or specializes in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender issues can offer some support and healing.

Marital Distress Star Point Counseling Center Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

Even marriages that are seemingly going well can suffer distress if a single shattering event, such as an extramarital affair, takes place. Marital distress has powerful effects on the partners, often leading to great sadness, worry, a high level of tension, anxiety, and depression. And, if prolonged, it can negatively impact one’s physical health. To prevent this from happening, Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa,Fl & Brandon, Fl offers ways to help.

All couples can benefit from the unique education that if offered by marriage and family therapists at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl. You don’t need to be in a distressed marriage to be in marital therapy. Many people with solid marriages choose this path to enhance their relationship. Marital distress is a different state from the usual ups and downs of a marriage. In distressed marriages, people feel fundamentally dissatisfied with their relationship. Moreover, their disappointment doesn’t just come and go, but seems constant. 

The good news is that there are effective treatments for marital distress. No one begins as a perfect partner and a successful marriage depends on a number of skills, such as the ability to understand one’s own behavior and motives, to understand one’s partner, to argue and problem-solve productively, and to effectively negotiate differences—all of which can be enhanced by working with a marriage and family therapist. 

Marital therapy at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl is about partners working to validate and accept each other, to gain insight and learn to manage differences. It is important for couples to distinguish the difference between solvable and unsolvable problems.

Social isolation Star Point Counseling Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

Isolation is the experience of being separated from others. It may result from being physically separated from others, such as when a person lives in a remote area. Isolation can also result from being emotionally removed from a community. An isolated person may experience loneliness or low self-esteem. Over time, a person may develop social anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns. The right therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl can help individuals build social skills and connect with others. Therapy can also help people recover from the effects of isolation. 

Emotional isolation occurs when someone is unable or unwilling to share their emotions with others. Someone may be reluctant to discuss anything but the most superficial matters. Without emotional support, they may feel “shut down” or numb.

Emotional isolation can occur due to social isolation. Yet a person may feel emotionally isolated despite having a social network. Even though relationships are necessary for our well-being, they can trigger negative feelings and thoughts. Emotional isolation can act as a defense mechanism to protect a person from distress. At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl, A couples counselor can help partners identify the source of their distress. The couple can then work to improve communication and rebuild trust.

Codependency Star Point counseling Center Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

Someone who is codependent has an extreme focus outside themselves. Their thoughts and actions revolve around other people, such as spouses or relatives. Codependency often appears in relationships which are unbalanced and unhealthy. A person with codependency often tries to save others from themselves. They may get hurt trying to “cure” a partner’s addictions or abusive behaviors. Codependency may lead a person to develop other mental health concerns such as anxiety. A therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl can help a person reduce codependent behaviors and develop healthier relationships.


When children are allowed to explore the world and make their own plans, they develop a sense of independence. When parents make all the decisions, children may learn to ignore their own desires. They can also learn to place others’ approval above their own needs.

These effects can last for years. A codependent child may lack confidence and struggle to make decisions as an adult. Without the help of Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl, the cycle of codependency may continue for another generation.


The caretaker often cares for their partner out of a sincere desire to help. Yet their behavior often enables their partner to continue their behavior. When the caretaker “saves” the partner from consequences, the partner often loses motivation to change. They may not seek the professional help they need. Without help of Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl, the addiction may get worse. That said, the caretaker is not to blame for the other person’s behavior. While codependency can contribute to someone refusing treatment, it is not the only cause.

If you think you may be codependent, you might wish to find a therapist at Star Point Counseling Center. A mental health professional can determine if your behaviors resemble codependency. They can also aid in treating any co-occurring mental health issues.

Trauma Star Point Counseling Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl 

Most people will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives, but what is traumatic for one individual might be relatively insignificant in someone else’s life. There’s no way to predict whether an event will be traumatic or what aftereffects a person might experience. Some types of experiences, however, are more likely to provoke the threat response associated with later negative consequences. Effects may be lasting and can cause deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or posttraumatic stress (PTSD) long after the event has passed. Support, Guidance and assistance from a therapist at Star Point Counseling in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl can be fundamental to healing from trauma.

A traumatic experience does not necessarily lead to PTSD stress in an individual, nor does it always lead to immediate psychological consequences. Even after extreme trauma, a person might experience negative outcomes weeks, months, or years later. There are many ways someone might respond to a traumatic event, including no response at all.  In no way does one’s response (or lack thereof) indicate strength, weakness, coping abilities, co-occurring mental health issues, or anything about one’s history of trauma.

Therapy at Star PointCounseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl is effective in treating both PTSD and isolated psychological issues related to trauma, and various types of therapy have been created specifically to address trauma responses.

Financial Abuse Star Point Counseling Center Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl 

With very few exceptions, people need money to survive. We need it to buy food, obtain shelter, access health care, and purchase everyday necessities. Economic abuse prevents an individual from accessing wealth or earning money on their own. The individual may then become dependent on their abuser for resources, making it much more difficult to leave. Like other forms of abuse, financial abuse can cause people to feel isolated and hopeless. Even after an individual has escaped an abusive relationship, the emotional effects of mistreatment can last years. A therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl can help individuals recognize abuse, access community resources, or recover from trauma. 

With very few exceptions, people need money to survive. We need it to buy food, obtain shelter, access health care, and purchase everyday necessities. Economic abuse prevents an individual from accessing wealth or earning money on their own. Victims of financial abuse are not at fault for their predicament. A person does not have to be gullible to trust a spouse or family member with financial information. Nor are they “selfish” for wanting a roof over their heads. Even people who are financially savvy can have a hard time recognizing financial abuse at first. At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl, people recovering from financial abuse may benefit from therapy. A therapist at Star Point can help people work through intense emotions such as fear, helplessness, and shame. The therapeutic relationship is a safe place to rebuild self-esteem and renew their sense of hope.

Hypochondria therapy Star Point Counseling Center Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

It’s natural to want to avoid contracting illnesses or experiencing injury. Most people tend to habitually avoid those things by washing their hands, taking vitamins, or not being in the company of people who are ill. But those with health anxiety or hypochondriasis are preoccupied with their present or future health to a point where their everyday life is affected. Those whose health anxiety is serious enough to impact typical function may find it beneficial to seek support from a therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

Like other mental health issues, hypochondria is a condition often tossed around lightly in conversation; it is not uncommon to hear someone called a “hypochondriac.” This term can undermine the potential severity of illness anxiety. As hypochondria may severely impact an individual’s ability to function in day-to-day life, treatment can be key. Learn more about therapy and treatment for hypochondria at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl.

Star Point Counseling Center can aid in treatment of underlying issues surrounding hypochondria. Although, we do not diagnose clients, we are committed to ensuring a peaceful, safe environment.

Commitment Star Point Counseling Center Tampa,Fl & Brandon, Fl

a person who finds it hard to commit may experience this difficulty in other areas of life. Individuals with commitment issues may experience mental distress and emotional difficulty when faced with situations that require dedication to a particular long-term goal. 

When an individual’s fear of commitment leads to the development of anxiety or other mental health concerns, a therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa,Fl & Brandon, Fl often help that person address and work through the issues.

Commitments may be made willingly or unwillingly, and a fear of commitment can affect an individual’s life in a variety of ways. Though the term “commitment issues” may be frequently used to characterize an individual who seeks to avoid commitment in romantic relationships, it might also refer to issues at school or in the workplace.  Commitment issues might affect one’s performance at school or in the workplace as well as one’s romantic relationships. Because this can have a negative impact on a person’s ability to succeed, it may be helpful to address this concern in therapy at Star Point Counseling Center.

For relationships, Some individuals may mislead others, intentionally or unintentionally, leading them to believe in the possibility of a long-term relationship. Therapy can be helpful in this case, as a therapist may be able to help individuals understand the reasons behind this type of dishonesty and help them develop the ability to be more truthful about their needs and desires.

Shame Therapy Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl

Shame has the potential to change the way we see ourselves and may lead to long-lasting social and professional difficulties. Unresolved shame can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and low self-esteem Shame may also be a symptom of some mental health issues. At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl, we can help you address the underlying cause.

Living with shame, regardless of the shame’s source, can be a lonely and demoralizing experience. Therapy can help by addressing the underlying cause. When shame is due to a past misdeed, the right therapist can support a person to make amends or move on. The experience of shame can be deeply unpleasant. People experiencing shame are struck by the overwhelming belief that they—as opposed to their actions or feelings—are bad. In some people, this may inspire a change in behavior. In others, shame can be paralyzing.

For those who are experiencing shame, turning away from seeking help is very common, however, it can make matters worse. Living with shame can be painful and difficult, as it can prevent people from meeting core needs, such as the maintenance of self-esteem, hope for the future, friendship and intimacy, productivity, and love.

Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl can help you move past the feelings of shame and we are very flexible. We offer therapy to any new clients online, by phone and or by office visit.